Steel Qualities
What is Kurouchi Knife ?
August 23, 2017 Blade StylesSteel Qualities
A customer gave us a question about the black colored blade, “i already bought knife via your page i was just wondering what is the difference between white steel that looks completely silver(polished) and the ones (also white steel) with black color on base of knife like one i bought. (1) first knife ….. BLACK …
All about Aogami, highly ranked material for kitchen knives (1)
August 16, 2017 Steel Qualities
Introduction of Aogami, highly ranked material for Kitchen Knives We are going to share with you about “Blue Paper Steel”, the highly ranked material for cutlery steel known as “Aoko” or “Aogami” in Japanese. “Aogami” is an alloy steel made of Shirogami (or called “White Paper Steel”, a carbon steel with low content of impurities), mixed …
July 26, 2017 Damascus KnivesBrandsSteel Qualities
Some dedicated people who get eager to suddenly start something new like golf, fishing or music tend to procure better tools for their purpose first. Cooking is not exception. If you are one of such a maniac of cooking, what do you want to do above all? Today we introduce one of the premium video …
Grand Chef, Sophisticated Premier Grade Professional Knives
May 18, 2017 BrandsSteel Qualities
Some professional chefs gave their positive feedback to the “Grand Chef” knives, “For the longer time I use it, I must have more understood the competitive advantage and sharpness durability of the Grand Chef.” The Grand Chef series is a durable razor-sharp knife made in Sakai Japan, using the highest-grade quality material, Swedish stainless steel by …
Kasumi-togi, reasonably priced line of traditional forged knives
May 13, 2017 BrandsSteel Qualities
The Kasumi blade is a reasonably priced line of traditional forged knives which work well for first time users as well as more experienced chefs. It is made to put soft kitchen knife iron on Yasuki’s traditional Nihonko or Hagane — Shiroko / White Paper No.3 Steel — which has been widely used for a …
For Professional chefs among the Professional, Powdered High Speed Steel Knives
May 3, 2017 Steel Qualities
Do you know the material of the Powdered High Speed Steel ? This premium and extremely hard material has been used for production of cemented carbide cutting tool, and recently applied to the kitchen knives especially for professional chefs among the professional. Sabun POWDER PRO 100 Powdered High Speed Steel Knives Tojiro R2 SG2 Powdered …
Japanese Stylish Mirror-finished Stainless Functional Sashimi Knives
April 26, 2017 TopicsBlade StylesSteel Qualities
The Japanese Stylish Mirror-finished Stainless Sashimi Yanagiba Knives for skilled chefs as well as for Gift, because the blade is functional, durable and easy to use but beautifully-mirror-finished and traditional-designed as a Japanese sword for look nicer than other knives. The Hakugin is made out of “INOX” Stainless steel AUS8A made-in-Japan steel, that has good sharpness and durability …
“Honyaki” Knife is made by Japanese Katana technique?
March 8, 2017 about HochoSteel Qualities
“Honyaki” knives are true-forged and made of a 100% single material, usually high-carbon steel or “hagane”. The finest Honyaki (mizu-honyaki) knives are then differentially-hardened, the same method used for traditional Japanese sword, “katana”. Honyaki is extremely difficult to forge, requiring a high level of skill and experience. “Mr.Tatsuo Ikeda is a blacksmith in Sakai JAPAN, …
Honyaki and Kasumi Knives — Two basic categories of Japanese wa-bocho
August 4, 2016 Knife StructureSteel Qualities
One of our customers gave us a question, ” I am looking for non stainless, that is a full carbon knife. Is the honkasumi gyuto made of a mono steel or clad knife and what is the hardness of the steel?” That is a good question, because there are two basic categories of traditional Japanese knives, …
How to handle an Aogami (Blue paper) Steel knife ?
August 4, 2015 Knife SharpeningSteel Qualities
Aogami or Blue paper steel is high-grade carbon steel, containing more Chrome and Tungsten than Shirogami or White paper steel. The blade made of Aogami has a very hard edge — HRC: 60~65 or higher — and long-term sharpness once you sharpen it rightly. When you use an Aogami kitchen knife, you can cut food …
Need Knives, Hard to chip and Holding the edge for long time
July 28, 2015 Steel Qualities
Do you need kitchen knives which are hard to chip and hold the edge for long time ? The features (to be hard to chip and hold the edge for long time) normally contradict the others such as sharpness and hardness of the blade.So, it needs a certain balance to optimize your purpose.(Please be noted that this …
I would like to have the knife hardness 64-65 up !
July 12, 2015 about HochoSteel Qualities
Some customers seek kitchen knives with very high degree of hardness, for example, “I would like to know about you knife I would like to get 1 yanagiba and 1 deba. I would like to know the scale of Rockwell hardness please let me know, thank you very much. I would like to have the …
Steel Qualities of Kitchen Knives — (2)Stainless Steel
November 16, 2013 Steel Qualities
Stainless steel is an alloy of iron, approximately 10~15% chromium, possibly nickel, and molybdenum, with only a small amount of carbon. Good Stainless steel blade kitchen knives make good rust resistance, easy maintenance, good sharpness, edge retention and ease of re-sharpening. Therefore, they have become more and more popular among beginning users to professional users …
Steel Qualities of Kitchen Knives — (1)Carbon Steel
September 18, 2013 Steel Qualities
Carbon Steel — often used for Traditional Japanese Knives, good Quality, not Rustproof. The Japanese company Hitachi Metals makes special cutting steels which represent the highest global standard and are used for almost all the Hocho we offer. These Yasuki Special Steels (YSS), named after their place of origin, are produced from iron sand, the …
Structure of Hocho
August 17, 2013 about HochoKnife StructureSteel Qualities
Originally, all Japanese kitchen knives – Hocho – clearly show their relation to the Samurai sword. The blades are forged traditionally in multiple layers, with an inner core of hard and brittle carbon steel, forgewelded with a thick layer of soft and more ductile iron steel sandwiched around the core so that the hard steel …