Made-in-Japan Kitchen Knives "Hocho"— generally called Sashimi or Sushi Knives・Japanese chef knife — with Excellent Design and Unparalleled Tradition.

Special Lecture by Sushi Skills Institute (2)

This is the second special sushi lecture by Mr. Masayoshi Kazato, the Chairman of Chiba Prefecture Sushi Association. 

The following is the English line that he talked in the movie. 


Now, we are going to learn “Nigiri”. These are Shiromi (white fish), Hikarimono (Silver-skinned fish) and Zuke (Soy-marinated Tuna).
First of all, I’ll show you how to slice them.

Flounder (hirame)
The backbone runs down the middle of the fish, so the shape of the one side of flounder is different from the other. That’s why we need to be careful where to place the blade of Hocho. For this part, you need to place the blade and slice them like this. For this one, you have to place the blade as if it directs toward the backbone.
For this one, you need to slice like this.

To give you a rough idea, the ideal weight for a slice is about 8g – 10g.

This is how to slice white fish.

Oily fish(mackerel)
Let’s move on to the Hikarimono (Silver-skinned fish). This is mackerel. It’s very fragile. Just same as the flounder we cut earlier, you need to place the blade toward the back surface.

For Hikarimono like this, when you reach the skin, try to place the blade vertical to the skin a little. By doing so, you can make the cut end surface very distinct.

The ideal weight for a slice is about 15g.

This is how to slice mackerel.

This is Maguro Zuke (soy-marinated tuna). There’s a lot of fiber in its fillet. So you need to slice it as if you cut out the fiber. I marinated this block of tuna a while ago. The color is not very fancy but the inside is totally different. As you can see, the texture is very good and the color is beautiful.

You need to place the blade at a slant and slice as if you cut out these fiber.

The ideal size of a slice is: 8cm – 10cm in length, 3cm in width, 3-4mm in depth and 15-20g in weight.

It’s done.
As you can see like this, the fiber appears in a beautiful pattern on the surface. This is the way it is supposed to be.


We hope that the video may help you successfully.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us anytime.

Thank you for reading and best regards!

All the Hocho-Knife staff

“Hocho” represents Made-in-Japan (Sushi / Sashimi) Kitchen Knives,
that is the soul of the cook!




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