We’re pleased to announce that Shigeki Tanaka HABAKIRI Knives have got in stock (only a few pieces) finally after a long time.
The HABAKIRI series represent high-status feature beautiful Damascus-patterned blades with a core of SG2 (R2) micro carbide powder stainless steel.
Speaking to the Ebony Wood handle, the Japanese-Style Octagonal figure fits better comfortably to your hand.
The buffalo tsuba equipped to the handle represents high-quality and excellent durability, that means made for professional originally.
These masterpieces are carefully forged & finished by the blacksmith Shigeki Tanaka with his own hands for their top-rate cutting performance.
>> Check the details
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Thank you for reading and best regards!
All the Hocho-Knife staff
“Hocho” represents Made-in-Japan (Sushi / Sashimi) Kitchen Knives,
that is the soul of the cook!

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