Now is the worldwide sushi boom as you know, because it is considered one of the representative for tasty and healthy food.
Sushi is a Japanese tradition and taste in bite-sized portions, consisting of cooked vinegared rice (sumeshi) combined with other ingredients (or neta).
The neta is some kind of seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits.
Ingredients and forms of sushi presentation vary widely, but the ingredient which all sushi have in common is rice (also referred to as shari).
When starting his carrier to cook sushi, a Japanese sushi chef visited other sushi shops to check how to.
He was told that the most important thing was to study flavor of sushi rice.
Shari and neta should be tightly fixed together, applied firm pressure by fingers of the sushi chef.
Slowdown video by high-speed camera reveals the process in details.
An interesting test was held to check how tightly the shari and neta fixed.
We’re sure you’ll be surprised the result.
Please watch it in the following video.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Thank you for reading and best regards!
All the Hocho-Knife staff
“Hocho” represents Made-in-Japan (Sushi / Sashimi) Kitchen Knives,
that is the soul of the cook!

Florida, USA
Kyoto and Hyogo, JAPAN