Hocho Knife (Japanese Chef knife) Official Blog

Impressive Review from Customer

A review from our customer was posted in our site, and impressed us very much. 
This time we’re pleased to introduce it in full with a thankful heart to him.

“If you are reading this, you may be asking yourself can’t I buy one of those $200 knives and get the same thing.

I once asked the same question. And having purchased both, I can tell you personally nothing is far from the truth. There are no words adequate to describe the knife itself.
The Blade is unbelievably sharp, and the artisanship and handle are good enough to be museum pieces. The fact that you can use the knife in everyday cooking sometimes seems too good to be true.

In this day of CNC-made gadgets, it is easy to overlook the work of a craftsman that can create items with the same effectiveness but without the aid of computerized machinery. Close inspection reveals the hard work done forging the Blade with a hammering process. Do not expect any two of these knives to look the same. That is one of the things you realize after receiving your knife. It does not need a serial number because it is as unique as a fingerprint, and as such, yours is one of a kind.

After using it for a little over a month, I am sure this knife is durable enough to be handed down to my great-grandchildren. And that is not with it sitting in a showcase for eternity; it will do so with daily use! It may be cutting better now than on the first day. I suspect it will need sharpening, but I believe that may be a year or two away.

To be precise on what, I mean by the sharpness and the caliber I expect in a knife. I cut Sashimi and make things like pepper Tuna Tataki with a gossamer-thin translucent slice of hot peppers ornamentally arranged on the slices with half a millimeter thick Lemon and Lime garnishes. When this becomes a chore, I consider the knife too dull to use. The knife will look different from the photos, but I can assure you it will be a masterpiece.

Shipping is incredibly fast. I had mine delivered from Japan to the USA in just over two days. Customer support is very responsive and knowledgeable. Be sure to read the FAQ area as it has a lot of value. Also, check out the youTube videos of the Artisans. You will see just how much work goes into each of the knives listed on the site. The makers do this as much as a labor of love as a source of income. I can’t wait to get the next one!

Eulace M.”

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us anytime.

Thank you for reading and best regards!

All the Hocho-Knife staff
“Hocho” represents Made-in-Japan (Sushi / Sashimi) Kitchen Knives,
that is the soul of the cook!

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